#FitnessFriday Ι Full Turkish Get Up Ι Phase One

Posted in Instructional Videos

Today's Fitness Friday features Phase One of the Full Turkish Get Up.

About the Full Turkish Get Up

The Full Turkish Get Up is a total body exercise that targets core strength and mobility.


This complex movement builds shoulder muscles, and all round strength and conditioning.

Written Instructions

  1. Start by lying on your back with one arm up towards the ceiling holding a dumbbell or kettlebell and the leg on that same side is bent so your foot is on the floor. The opposite side leg is straight and your arm is flat on the floor at a 45 degree angle.
  2. To engage the core, the arm with the weight is reaching up to the ceiling and the body weight is being shifted onto the opposite elbow so you are sitting up.
  3. From the elbow come up to support yourself on your hand.
  4. While your body weight is being supported with your hand, make sure the arm with the weight is strong with knuckles facing the ceiling. Keep the core engaged and squeeze your glutes to push the hips up to the ceiling.
  5. Reverse the movement to return to lying on your back.

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